Archaeological Impact Assessment of the Legacy Estates Project at The Forks
Quaternary Consultants Ltd.
Eight assessment trenches were excavated yielding 5417 artifacts in the following categories: lithic; ceramic; floral and faunal remains; lighting and manufacturing equipment; clothing; transportation; unknown; storage and dinnerware containers. Precontact artifacts (5396) include Blackduck and Rainy River ceramics, and Postcontact artifacts (21) date from mid-19th to mid-20th centuries. Stratigraphy is discussed in detail, and stratigraphic profiles are included in appendices. Heritage resource management options are presented.
Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. 2000. Archaeological Impact Assessment of the Legacy Estates Project at The Forks. Winnipeg: Quaternary Consultants Ltd. Submitted to The Forks North Portage Partnership.
[ CRM report (49pp)(TFNP, HRB, MM) ]