The Upper Fort Garry Courthouse and Gaol: Salvage Excavations of a Historic Midden in Downtown Winnipeg, Manitoba, Saskatchewan Archaeology
McLeod, K. David
This article is a report on a midden feature uncovered during construction of an underground parkade at Fort Garry Place. Salvage excavation of the feature yielded primarily faunal remains, nails, construction hardware, and ceramics. The midden is related to the Upper Fort Garry courthouse, gaol and hospital from ca.1844 to 1880. It was a significant find as the majority of structures within the fort were impacted between 1890-1950. There is also a discussion of the comparison with other Red River sites. Maps, historical photographs, excavation and artifact photographs are also included.
McLeod, K. David. 1990-91. The Upper Fort Garry Courthouse and Gaol: Salvage Excavations of a Historic Midden in Downtown Winnipeg, Manitoba. Saskatchewan Archaeology. Vol. 11 & 12: 26-45.
[ Journal article (MM, UM) ]