St. Mary Archaeological Recovery Project: Interim Report
Quaternary Consultants Ltd.
This interim report summarizes results of the Fall 1990 field season, the first phase of operations to mitigate archaeological resources located within the then proposed St. Mary Extension Right-of-Way. Investigations concentrated on a previously identified Precontact layer, recovering artifacts and features in the following categories: floral and faunal remains; lithic recoveries; ceramics; fish processing areas and hearths. A total of 15,908 artifacts were recovered from 72 square metres. Interpretation includes discussion of the Archaic (4000 BC-AD 0) and Pre-contact Ceramic (AD 0-1737) Periods. Stratigraphy is discussed in detail, as is the public participation component of the project.
Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. 1990. St. Mary Archaeological Recovery Project: Interim Report. Winnipeg: Quarternary Consultants Ltd. Prepared for City of Winnipeg Streets and Transportation Department.
[ CRM report (51pp. plus catalogue of artifacts)(HRB, MM) ]