1991 Investigations at Fort Gibraltar I: The Forks Public Archaeology Project

Kroker, Sid; Barry B. Greco; Kate Peach

Historical background covers the First Inhabitants (8000 BC - AD 1737); Contact (1737-1821) including Fort Gibraltar I (1810-1816); Transition (1821-1870); Industrialization and Immigration (1870-1888); and Railway (1888-1988) Periods. The stratigraphy is detailed in five distinct time periods represented by six events: Railway Period; B&B Building construction (1888-1889); Pre-Railway/Post-Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) Experimental Farm Period (1848-1888); HBC Experimental Farm Period (1836-1848); 1826 Flood; Fur Trade Period including Fort Gibraltar I (1810-1816). Artifact categories include: arms and ammunition; beads; buttons; glass; historic ceramics; lithic artifacts; fasteners; clothing, adornment, lighting, miscellaneous metal; nails; smoking pipes; seeds, bark, charcoal, leather; and faunal remains.

Kroker, Sid; Barry B. Greco; Kate Peach. 1992. 1991 Investigations at Fort Gibraltar I: The Forks Public Archaeology Project. Winnipeg: The Forks Public Archaeology Association.
[ CRM monograph report (181pp.)(FNHSC, TFNP, MM, on file at PC) ]

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