Archaeological Investigations at The Forks National Historic Site, Winnipeg: Mitigation of the North Point Development
Adams, G., K. Lunn, M.A. Tisdale, and P.J. Priess
This report discusses archaeological investigations in the summer of 1988 prior to creation of The Forks National Historic Site. Brief Precontact, Postcontact and Fur Trade period historic backgrounds are covered. Features and artifacts are discussed in the following categories: personal, domestic, architecture, transportation, commerce/industry, utilities, and packaging.
Adams, G., K. Lunn, M.A. Tisdale, and P.J. Priess. 1990. Archaeological Investigations at The Forks National Historic Site, Winnipeg: Mitigation of the North Point Development. Ottawa: Environment Canada, Parks Service.
[ Research bulletin (17pp.)(FNHSC, HRB, MM, PC) ]