The Common: Brand new wine & beer lists

Posted on Oct 22, 2018 by The Forks Market

We have brand new beer and wine lists for you! Thanks to our sommelier, Véronique Rivest, The Common has 20 new beers and 20 new wines (plus two bonus wines ?) for you to sip in The Forks Market. This is the time to grab a flight and try a bunch. We'd love to hear what you think, so...


Stronger Together: The Forks staff pull a plane for charity

Posted on Oct 03, 2018 by The Forks Market

Last month, a few of The Forks team members participated in the United Way Plane Pull to kick off its $21 million fundraising campaign.


Niizhoziibean: Honouring our Indigenous heritage

Posted on Oct 02, 2018 by The Forks Market

In case you missed it, the South Point has been officially named Niizhoziibean (phonetically pronounced Nee-zho-zhi-been) to honour our city’s Indigenous heritage and its prominent place alongside the Red and Assiniboine Rivers. “South Point is the southernmost point of the...


Nuit Blanche: Instagram photos that made us go ?

Posted on Oct 02, 2018 by The Forks Market

Saturday was one of the best Nuit Blanche nights yet! Thank you so much for sharing it with us, and thank you for sharing all your stunning photos. We rounded up some of our favourites from Instagram (it was really hard to narrow them down), so...