Spring Break Fun: 5 Things to do at The Forks

Posted on Mar 22, 2018 by The Forks Market

  Next week is the week all the kids have been waiting for ohhh sooo patiently. Spring Break! A whole week off school! A whole week of needing to fill five days of a now-empty schedule. This year, we're saying goodbye to the Festival of Fools, but there's still a TON of fun to be...


Welcoming Spring: Hard copy inspiration to spring clean your life

Posted on Mar 07, 2018 by The Forks Market

  March: our yo-yo weather month. From one final giant snow storm to seeing that guy driving with the convertible top down, we really run the gamut this month. Spring is (kind of) here. While we wait for the weather to make up its mind, the change of season always makes me think...


Warming Huts wrap-up: Photos that made our jaws drop

Posted on Mar 06, 2018 by The Forks Market

The 2017/2018 season for the Red River Mutual Trail was the best yet! It broke two records. TWO! It was the longest it's ever been stretching 10 kilometers from Queen Elizabeth Way on the Red River and all the way to Arlington on the Assiniboine. It lasted 72 whole days, which is the longest...