Events Calendar
Thursday, Jan 23 to Sunday, Feb 16
RAW:almond is a three week fine dining festival created and hosted by Deer + Almond Chef, Mandel Hitzer and the founding director of RAW:Gallery of Architecture and Design, Joe Kalturnyk. Each year it takes place at outside at The Forks, in the middle of winter, in a one-of-a-kind temporary structure.
World class chefs gather to create a pop-up restaurant experience like no other.
Learn more about RAW:almond, check out the chef line-up, and get your tickets here!
January 23 - February 16
Friday, Feb 07
Mobile Ski Library - Winnipeg Trails Association
Winnipeg Trails will be at The Forks on Friday, February 7, to help launch the first Manitoba Winter Trails Day (Saturday, February 8), a new annual celebration of Manitoba's winter trails!
As part of the festivities, Winnipeg Trails will have their Mobile Ski Library open at The Forks Port Rink, where they'll be offering free cross-country ski rentals, along with tips from their mobility expert!
11AM - 2PM
Location: Nestaweya River Trail