Events Calendar
Thursday, Jan 23 to Sunday, Feb 16
RAW:almond is a three week fine dining festival created and hosted by Deer + Almond Chef, Mandel Hitzer and the founding director of RAW:Gallery of Architecture and Design, Joe Kalturnyk. Each year it takes place at outside at The Forks, in the middle of winter, in a one-of-a-kind temporary structure.
World class chefs gather to create a pop-up restaurant experience like no other.
Learn more about RAW:almond, check out the chef line-up, and get your tickets here!
January 23 - February 16
Saturday, Feb 08 to Sunday, Feb 09
I Love to Read | Children's Museum
Celebrate I Love to Read Month with the Children's Museum every weekend in February! Enjoy a variety of crafts, activities, and special guest appearances on Saturdays and Sundays from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Join in the fun and inspire a love of reading!
- February 1 |Kick-Off Event with Manitoba Theatre for Young Peopley
- February 2 | Paper Monster Bookmarks & Book Bingo
- February 8 + 9 | Create A Comic & Roll A Story
- February 15 + 16 | Flip Books & Sandwich Book Report
- February 22 + 23 | Puppets & Story Of Me
Click here to learn more about I Love to Read month and other programming at the Manitoba Children's Museum!
11AM - 3PM
Location: Manitoba Children's Museum
Sunday, Feb 09
Learn to Winter
Learn to Winter invites people to embrace the season through getting active and spending time outside at The Forks. The program is full of activities for all ages and will run every weekend throughout January and February. Activities include:
- Skate and Snowshoe Lessons
- DJs by The Canopy
- Winter Wellness Classes
- Storytelling and Drumming in the Teepee
- Ice Basketball
CLICK HERE for a full list of each weeks' events and registration links.
All Learn to Winter activities are free and open to the public and will run each weekend weather permitting. Stay tuned to social media (Instagram: @TheForksWinnipeg, Facebook and X: @TheForks) for any updates due to weather cancellations or changes.
1 PM - 4 PM
Location: Multiple Locations
Sunday, Feb 09
Latin Sundays
Experience Latin culture through music, dance, food and performances on Sunday evenings in the event space, located on the second floor of The Forks Market, with Habanero Sombrero and Friends of the Cuban Arts!
All ages event, all skill levels are welcome!
5:30PM - 9:30PM
Sunday, Feb 09
Jack Frost Challenge Kickoff Event
Join Fete Jockey and Green Action Centre on The Forks Port Rink as they celebrate winter sustainably with a bunch of free outdoor activites! From shoveling snow clowns, to kick sleds and synchronized ice skating - plustfree hot drinks.
1PM - 4PM
Location: Nestaweya River Trail