Interpretation and Administration, A 3000 Year Old Native Campsite and Trade Centre at The Forks
Kroker, Sid
The chapter on interpretation includes a discussion of the Hudson's Bay Flour Mill complex (1874-1907) and the Precontact Period environment and peoples who occupied the area. Evidence for activities such as fishing and fish processing, lithic tool manufacturing and maintenance, wood/bone working, and bead manufacturing is presented. The chapter on administation includes a history of The Forks Public Archaeology Project (1992), including project development, funding, staffing, analysis and report preparation, kiosk operations, and public involvement (including summary tables of visitor origin).
* see overall compilation for PDF* Kroker, Sid and Pam Goundry (compilers). 1993. A 3000 Year Old Native Campsite and Trade Centre at The Forks. Winnipeg: The Forks Public Archaeology Association. [ Research monograph (268pp)(FNHSC, TFNP pdf, MM, on file at PC) ]
Kroker, Sid. 1993. Interpretation and Administration. In A 3000 Year Old Native Campsite and Trade Centre at The Forks, 206-254. Winnipeg: The Forks Public Archaeology Association, compiled by Sid Kroker and Pam Goundry.
[ Section in research monograph (FNHSC, TFNP pdf, MM, on file at PC) *See overall compilation for PDF ]