A Predictive Study of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers Junction: A Pre-Impact Assessment of the Site of The Forks National Historic Park and the Proposed Provencher Bridge Realignment
McLeod, K. David
This report assesses the potential for the recovery of archaeological resources in the East Yard. Past land use is outlined from Precontact to present times (includes discussion of Precontact campsites; fur trade posts 1760-1830; HBC experimental farm 1836-1841; post-1872 construction), and Parks Canada research at the site is summarized. Maps, diagrams and photo plates are included.
McLeod, K. David. 1986. A Predictive Study of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers Junction: A Pre-Impact Assessment of the Site of The Forks National Historic Park and the Proposed Provencher Bridge Realignment. Winnipeg: Historic Resources Branch, Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation.
[ Research report (30pp)(HRB) ]