Vertebrate Fauna Other than Fish, A 3000 Year Old Native Campsite and Trade Centre at The Forks
Marr, Geoff T.
This chapter presents the analysis of the faunal remains recovered during the 1992 excavations, both food procurement-derived and naturally deposited. Methods and results are discussed and presented in frequency and distribution tables. Identified species include: bison, moose, white-tailed deer, black bear, wolf, fox, otter, fisher, mink, beaver, tree and ground squirrel, mouse, vole, and shrew, as well as bird, reptile and amphibian specimens. Seasonality, harvesting and butchering techniques, and activity areas are discussed, and worked bone and tooth tools are described (eg. bone harpoon, beaver incisor gravers and mandible handles, awls, needles, tubes). Photographs of artifacts are included.
* see overall compilation for PDF: Kroker, Sid and Pam Goundry (compilers). 1993. A 3000 Year Old Native Campsite and Trade Centre at The Forks. Winnipeg: The Forks Public Archaeology Association. [ Research monograph (268pp)(FNHSC, TFNP pdf, MM, on file at PC) ]
Marr, Geoff T.. 1993. Vertebrate Fauna Other than Fish. In A 3000 Year Old Native Campsite and Trade Centre at The Forks, pp93-141. Winnipeg: The Forks Public Archaeology Association, compiled by Sid Kroker and Pam Goundry.
[ Section in research monograph (FNHSC, TFNP pdf, MM, on file at PC) *See overall compilation for PDF ]