Heritage Resource Impact Assessment of the Tourist Hotel Site
Quaternary Consultants Ltd.
Assessment included monitoring of geo-technical drilling, surface collection of exposed areas, sub-surface auger investigations, and backhoe excavations of a parking lot area. A brief historic background is provided from archival research. A total of 2,308 Postcontact artifacts were recovered, the earliest relating to a homestead structure standing in 1848. The following categories are represented: structural artifacts; transportation; tools and equipment; housewares; clothing and accoutrements; dinnerware; containers; food product residue; and miscellaneous. Soil stratigraphy is described in detail, and interpretation and recommendations are included. Appendices include an artifact list, photographic plates, and an artifact inventory catalogue.
Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. 1988. Heritage Resource Impact Assessment of the Tourist Hotel Site. Winnipeg: Quarternary Consultants Ltd. Submitted to Winnipeg Core Area Initiative.
[ CRM report (66pp)(HRB) ]