Heritage Resources Impact Assessment for Proposed York & St. Mary Ave. Extensions (Main St.-Pioneer Blvd)
Quaternary Consultants Ltd.
This is a report on the monitoring of Geo-Technical drilling and exploratory trenches that recovered 229 artifacts from 3 major levels: Railroad Fill (1900s); Early Historic (1737-1885) including Hudson’s Bay Experimental Farm period (1836-1848); and Precontact Native Ceramics (Blackduck tradition, AD 500-1750). Postcontact artifacts (78) represent: architectural objects; dinnerware; glass and ceramic storage containers; transportation; floral and faunal remains; detritus; soil samples. Precontact artifacts (150) represent ceramic, floral and faunal remains. Stratigraphy is discussed in detail. Appendices include an artifact catalogue.
Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. 1990. Heritage Resources Impact Assessment for Proposed York & St. Mary Ave. Extensions (Main St.-Pioneer Blvd). Winnipeg: Quarternary Consultants Ltd. Prepared for I.D. Systems Ltd..
[ CRM report (34pp)(HRB, MM) ]