Assessment of Archaeological Resources Within the St. Mary Avenue Extension Right-of-Way
Quaternary Consultants Ltd.
In continuation of a 1989 assessment, mechanized excavation of 9 trenches yielded 1533 artifacts. The Late Woodland Period (AD 500-1737), including the Blackduck tradition (AD 750-1000), Precontact artifacts represent the categories of lithics, ceramics, faunal remains, and a hearth feature. Historic artifacts represent the categories of: architectural objects (including structural); glass and ceramic containers; plastic debris; and faunal remains. These are identified with the Early Historic Period (1737-1888), including the Hudson’s Bay Experimental Farm (1836-1848). Stratigraphy is discussed in detail. Appendices include an artifact catalogue.
Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. 1990. Assessment of Archaeological Resources Within the St. Mary Avenue Extension Right-of-Way. Winnipeg: Quarternary Consultants Ltd. Prepared for I.D. Systems Ltd..
[ CRM report (39pp)(HRB, MM) ]