Archaeological Monitoring of the Northbound Main Street Bridge Construction Project
Quaternary Consultants Ltd.
Monitoring of mechanized excavation on the banks of the Assiniboine River uncovered a total of 447 artifacts, dating between 1911-1960s (clustering around the late 1940s). Artifacts categories include: architectural objects; science; medicine; communication; clothing; recreation; transportation; housewares; floral and faunal remains; glass and ceramic storage, cooking, and ornamental containers; metal, plastic, glass and ceramic dinnerware. Stratigraphy and artifacts indicate bank-rebuilding after 1940, and a flood prone south bank. Many artifacts were from restaurants and automotive repair facilities, and where possible, bottles and dinnerware are identified by manufacturer. Stratigraphy is discussed in detail. Appendices include an artifact catalogue.
Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. 1996. Archaeological Monitoring of the Northbound Main Street Bridge Construction Project. Winnipeg: Quaternary Consultants Ltd. Submitted to Reid Crowther & Partners Ltd..
[ CRM monograph report (91pp)(HRB, MM) ]