Archaeological Monitoring at the Earl's Restaurant Site

Quaternary Consultants Ltd.

Monitoring of sub-surface augering and excavations for service installations yielded artifacts and stratigraphic data from the Urban Development Period (begins 1873 at this site). Structural remnants of North-West Laundry and the Bain Building, as well as 70 artifacts (dating to early 1900s, relating mainly to residential activities) were recovered. Artifacts represent the following categories: architectural objects; lighting; transportation; glass and ceramic ornamental and storage containers; dinnerware; faunal remains. Stratigraphy is discussed in detail. Appendices include historic maps and panoramas and artifact catalogue.

Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. 1994. Archaeological Monitoring at the Earl's Restaurant Site. Winnipeg: Quarternary Consultants Ltd. Submitted to T-West Canada Ltd..
[ CRM report (55pp)(HRB, MM) ]

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