A Study of Fish Remains, A 3000 Year Old Native Campsite and Trade Centre at The Forks

Simonds, Eric C.

This chapter presents the analysis of 67,083 fish remains recovered during the 1992 excavations in the following sections: identification, method and theory, the nature of archaeological fish remains, fish populations and the palaeoenvironment, anatomy of fish, analysis of fish remains, fishing in Native North America, fish as a dietary resource, the practice of fishing, fish processing, and comparisons with other excavations. An appendix titled "Summary Documentation of Fishes of Manitoba" is included.

* see overall compilation for PDF: Kroker, Sid and Pam Goundry (compilers). 1993. A 3000 Year Old Native Campsite and Trade Centre at The Forks. Winnipeg: The Forks Public Archaeology Association. [ Research monograph (268pp)(FNHSC, TFNP pdf, MM, on file at PC) ]

Simonds, Eric C.. 1993. A Study of Fish Remains. In A 3000 Year Old Native Campsite and Trade Centre at The Forks, 142-187. Winnipeg: The Forks Public Archaeology Association, compiled by Sid Kroker and Pam Goundry.
[ Section in research monograph (FNHSC, TFNP pdf, MM, on file at PC) *See overall compilation for PDF ]

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