Conflict at Red River: Collision at Seven Oaks, The Forks and the Battle of Seven Oaks in Manitoba History
Martin, Joe
The articles looks at the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How of the collision at Seven Oaks. These questions are considered under titles: Why Did the Conflict Occur?, The Players, Background to the Conflict, The Colony, The First Settlers, 1815, 1816, Skirmish at Seven Oaks, From Massacre to Battle to Incident, and a Conclusion. There are photographs of people involved and a copy of Fiddler’s 1816 Red River Settlement map. The paper concludes with an appendix of Alternative Definitions to describe the events at Seven Oaks.
Martin, Joe. 1994. Conflict at Red River: Collision at Seven Oaks. In The Forks and the Battle of Seven Oaks in Manitoba History, edited by Robert Coutts and Richard Stuart, 58-64. Winnipeg: Manitoba Historical Society.
[ Article (FHNSC, UW, ML) ]