The Origins, Organization and Role of the Bison Hunt in the Red River Valley, Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly
Walker, Peter
This article discusses the impact of the fur trade on the Canadian northwest in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The problem of provisions is mentioned, with how the trader Peter Pond came into contact with the Chipewyan, in 1778, and learned to make pemmican. There are sections of the article on the fur trade posts and forts, some used by La Verendrye and his sons. The organization of the buffalo hunt is discussed; with the role of the Métis, where the hunt took place, the governing and regulations of the event and the rules of the June hunt in 1840.
Walker, Peter. 1982. The Origins, Organization and Role of the Bison Hunt in the Red River Valley. Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly. 6(3): 62-68.
[ Journal Article, (MM) ]