Archaeological Mitigation of the CanWest Global Park Baseball Facility
Quaternary Consultants Ltd.
Mitigation of baseball facility construction yielded a total of 86,852 artifacts. Precontact artifacts recovered from two levels include: lithic tools; ceramics representative of Bird Lake, Rainy River, Plains Woodland, and Oneota-like styles; and faunal and floral remains. Postcontact artifacts fall under the following categories: architectural objects; lighting and manufacturing equipment; communication; food processing; clothing; recreation; transportation; unknown; faunal remains; containers including storage, cooking, and ornamental; glass and ceramic dinnerware. Stratigraphy is detailed by layer, and a discussion of land use covers Precontact (4000 BC-AD 1737), Fur Trade (AD 1737-1860), Immigration and Industrial (1860-1900), and Urban (1900-1970) Periods.
Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. 2000. Archaeological Mitigation of the CanWest Global Park Baseball Facility. Winnipeg: Quarternary Consultants Ltd. Submitted to The Dominion Company.
[ CRM monograph report (127pp)(HRB, MM) ]