Profile of the Proposed Treaty Interpretive Centre. A meeting of two civilizations A promise of peaceful existence A struggle between two stories A place where they can now be told.
Treaty Legacy Foundation
This document outlines a plan for The Treaty Centre, which is to be used to advance the public on treaties. The titles are: A fundamental Problem in Canada, Background, The Treaty Centre, The Location, and Frequently Asked Questions. Photographs are included.
Treaty Legacy Foundation. 2010. Profile of the Proposed Treaty Interpretive Centre. A meeting of two civilizations A promise of peaceful existence A struggle between two stories A place where they can now be told.. Winnipeg: Prepared by the Treaty Legacy Foundation. Developed for the July-August 2010 Probe Research Inc. Survey: Measuring Potential Corporate Interest/Support for the Proposed Treaty Interpretive Centre. .
[ Planning document (6pp) (MM) ]