Archaeological Monitoring of the Construction Components of Festival Park at The Forks
Quaternary Consultants Ltd.
Monitoring of three locations yielded a total of 1288 artifacts. Precontact artifacts (641) were recovered from 2-4 cultural horizons that are associated with earlier identified horizons dated to AD 1225-1285. Historic/Recent artifacts (647) are from the Railroad Period (1888-1989). Artifacts represent the following categories: lithics; architectural objects; lighting and manufacturing equipment; transportation; glass and ceramic ornamental and storage containers; dinnerware; communication; food processing; clothing; recreation; transportation; floral and faunal remains. Some beverage containers and dinnerware are dated (1904-1911) and detailed by manufacturer. Stratigraphy is discussed in detail.
Quaternary Consultants Ltd.. 2000. Archaeological Monitoring of the Construction Components of Festival Park at The Forks. Winnipeg: Quaternary Consultants Ltd. Submitted to The Forks North Portage Partnership.
[ CRM report (79pp)(TFNP, HRB, MM) ]