The Forks (1989) Pilot Public Archaeology Project: Research Report, Excavations at 21K (Fort Gibraltar I)
Kroker, Sid; Barry B. Greco; Arda Melikian; David K. Riddle
This report documents the procedures, findings and interpretations resulting from the 1989 public archaeology program at The Forks. Historical background covers the following periods: First Inhabitants (3000 BC - AD 1737); Contact (1737-1821); Transition (1821-1870); Industrialization and Immigration (1870-1888) and Railway (1888-1988). Stratigraphy is discussed in relation to the following periods: Railway (1888-1988); B&B Building Construction (1888/89); Pre-railway/Post-1826 Flood; 1826 Flood; and Fur Trade (1737-1821). Recovered artifacts are discussed in the following categories: glass; historic ceramics; smoking pipes; nails; fasteners; metal; arms and ammunition; miscellaneous organic and inorganic; fauna; beads; lithics; worked bone; and Native ceramics. Analysis, interpretation, and recommendations conclude the report. Appendices include a list of the volunteers and schools involved, seed analysis, and scientific nomenclature.
Kroker, Sid; Barry B. Greco; Arda Melikian; David K. Riddle. 1990. The Forks (1989) Pilot Public Archaeology Project: Research Report, Excavations at 21K (Fort Gibraltar I). Winnipeg: Prepared for Canadian Parks Service, The Forks Renewal Corporation, and Historic Resources Branch, Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation.
[ CRM monograph report (158 pp.)(FNHSC, TFNP, HRB, MM, on file at PC) ]