Archival and Archaeological Perspectives on Economic Variability in the Red River Settlement, 1830-1870
Brenner, Bonnie Lee A.
This thesis includes the analysis of fauna (cow butchering remains) and household ceramics at Upper Fort Garry (DlLg-21) (two privies/outhouse pits), with those from Lower Fort Garry, Fort Garry, Delorme House Site, Riel House Site, and Garden Site. Levels of scale of economic and social standing in the community based on archival and archaeological data from 1830-1870 are compared to see if there is a correlation between the archival and archaeological scales developed, and if the relative economic position of an archaeological sample can be determined in absence of archival information. Statistical analysis found no significant correlation between archival ranking and archaeological ranking based on faunal indexing, but there was significant correlation based on ceramic indexing.
Brenner, Bonnie Lee A.. 1998. Archival and Archaeological Perspectives on Economic Variability in the Red River Settlement, 1830-1870. Winnipeg: M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Manitoba.
[ Thesis (270pp)(UM) ]