Colonialist Enterprise - the Hudson's Bay Company at The Forks, 1812-1883, The Forks and the Battle of Seven Oaks in Manitoba History

Coutts, Robert

This articles states that the Hudson’s Bay Company had a major impact on the 19th century development of The Forks. This paper discusses the Hudson’s Bay Company, in regard to its competition (Métis, traders and entrepreneurs), its role as a supply centre, the operations within (trading, tradesmen, civil and judicial authority), and the causes leading to the company’s decline.


Coutts, Robert. 1994. Colonialist Enterprise - the Hudson's Bay Company at The Forks, 1812-1883. In The Forks and the Battle of Seven Oaks in Manitoba History, edited by Robert Coutts and Richard Stuart, 18-24. Winnipeg: Manitoba Historical Society.
[ Article (FNHSC, UW, ML) ]

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