Time and the River: A Conceptual Interpretive Plan for the Core Area Riverbanks of Winnipeg
Crocus Heritage Resource Planning, Hilderman, Witty, Crosby, Hanna, and Associates and Prairie Habitats
This document was intended as a guideline for the Riverbank Enhancement Committee during deliberations regarding the selection of interpretive projects. The introduction presents the interpretive opportunity in the area. Chapters follow it on: Historic Images of Rivers of Winnipeg, Existing Riverbank Access and Opportunities for Interpretation, Theme Gaps in Riverbank Interpretation, User Groups and Market Analysis, Evaluation of Areas and Sites with Interpretive Development and Programming Potential, and Plan Implementation and Funding. Many detailed maps are included, some showing archaeological sites and historic commemorations, parks and access points, natural areas of special interest, and theme development opportunities.
Crocus Heritage Resource Planning, Hilderman, Witty, Crosby, Hanna, and Associates and Prairie Habitats. 1989. Time and the River: A Conceptual Interpretive Plan for the Core Area Riverbanks of Winnipeg. Winnipeg: Crocus Heritage Resources Planning.
[ Planning document (51pp.)(MM) ]