

The area formerly knows as South Point has been officially named Niizhoziibean (phonetically pronounced Nee-zho-zhi-been and meaning two rivers in Ojibway) to honour our city’s Indigenous heritage and its prominent place alongside the Red and Assiniboine Rivers.  

Elders, Clarence and Barbara Nepinak, uncovered the name during a traditional naming ceremony in August of 2018.

Niizhoziibean not only embodies the spirit of the traditional past of The Forks but enhances our understanding of what this place means – a collaborative space where people have been coming together to trade, grow, and make life for millennia.

The space, set aside to honour Indigenous themes since the inception of The Forks, is intended to be a place of reflection for all visitors and a connector to other neighbourhoods via a Main Street entryway.

Niizhoziibean is part of a pedestrian loop connecting The Forks and St. Boniface and linked to the Taché Promenade.

Niizhoziibean is also home to the Gathering Space. A space built upon Ojibwe principles and includes a central wiigiwaam and fire pit. This space is rentable for appropriate cultrual ceremonies and gatherings, to learn more visit our Event Booking page.
