Future Projects

Because Target Zero is ongoing, we’re constantly looking for more ways to change our impact on the environment. There are a lot of exciting plans in the mix.
Composting for Visitors
We’ve managed to tackle the issue of the waste we produce, but we’re looking into creating a site-wide composting program that would allow our visitors to minimize their environmental impact while enjoying our restaurants and attractions. Plans include: composting bins accompanying all recycling and trash bins, and getting our vendors on board with 100% compostable plates, cutlery and napkins.
Bike Path Connections and Services
Part of our commitment to lessening our carbon footprint includes increasing accessibility and opportunities for alternative transit to and from the site. We’ve been expanding our bike paths and are looking into further expansion to these connections.
Wind Turbine
Studies were conducted in the past few years to use the wind in and around the site to power our buildings. After rigorous testing, they found we didn’t have enough consistent wind to make the addition. We will be examining wind “turbies” (smaller single-purpose turbines) at a later date.
Photo Voltaic Solar
We looked into the possibility of tapping into solar energy for our buildings. However, the cost of creating solar electricity is too great for us to pursue at this time.
Solar Heat
We are doing research right now to see how solar heat might be able to contribute energy to our geothermal collector.
Geothermal District System
Though The Forks Market is operating with geothermal, we’re looking to expand it to the rest of the site.
Tree Planting
Though we’ve planted over 500 trees in the last 10 years, our work isn’t done. We will continue planting in an effort to continue greening our site and offsetting carbon.