Phase 1: Concept and Financial Plan
The Forks Renewal Corporation
This report assesses the financial plan of Phase I of The Forks Renewal Corporation’s plan to redevelop the East Yard Area into a “Meeting Place”. The chapters include: an Introduction, The Corporation (background, mandate, activities), The Phase I Concept Plan (objectives, site planning, private/institutional and government components, site access and land ownership), Development Corporation Activities and Phase I Financial Plan (heritage planning, public programming), and concluding with Appendices. The Appendices consist of maps, lists of citizens and their responses, special interest groups and their responses/presentations, and a list of developers and their responses/presentations.
The Forks Renewal Corporation. 1987. Phase 1: Concept and Financial Plan. Winnipeg: The Forks Renewal Corporation.
[ Planning report (58pp.)(FNHSC, MM) ]