Status and the fur trade in the Northern Department, 1821 to 1870, Status, Structure and Stratification; Current Archaeological Reconstructions
Monks, Gregory G.
The theme of this paper is to determine the relationship between social position (status) and material culture during the fur trade, specifically 1821 – 1870. The groups used for this study are: The Hudson’s Bay Company’s Northern Department, with their “quasi-militaristic” hierarchy; the peoples in the region living outside the Company (religious, agricultural); and impermanent groups (The Sixth Regiment). There is a small chart with sample records of meat distribution for a couple of social classes.
Monks, Gregory G.. 1985. Status and the fur trade in the Northern Department, 1821 to 1870. In Status, Structure and Stratification; Current Archaeological Reconstructions, 407-411. Calgary: Proceedings of the 16th Annual Chacmool Conference, Calgary, 1983.
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