Dendrochronological Dating of Oak Pilings from The Forks, Archaic Occupations at The Forks
Nielsen, Erik
This chapter presents a summary of the results of tree-ring analysis of three large oak disc samples cut from pilings during the 1993 excavation. Methodology and a description of the samples are provided. Probable age for the samples is determined to be 1876 and 1893 (2), determining that if the pilings are from the same building, it could not be older than 1893. A figure presents tree ring growth curves (baseline and sample).
*see overall compilation for PDF: Kroker, Sid and Pam Goundry (compilers). 1994. Archaic Occupations at The Forks. Winnipeg: The Forks Public Archaeology Association. [ Research monograph (329pp)(FNHSC, TFNP pdf, HRB, MM, on file at PC) ]
Nielsen, Erik. 1994. Dendrochronological Dating of Oak Pilings from The Forks. In Archaic Occupations at The Forks, pp36-40. Winnipeg: The Forks Public Archaeology Association, compiled by Sid Kroker and Pam Goundry.
[ Section in research monograph (FNHSC, TFNP pdf, HRB, MM, on file at PC) *See overall compilation for PDF ]