The Representation and Interpretation of Man's Use of Plants and the Junction of the Assiniboine and Red Rivers
Buggey, Susan (compiler)
This feasibility study consists of papers written by different people on the topic of plants in regard to, for example, the Hudson’s Bay Company, the Fur Trade and the Experimental Farm. The writers and their studies include: George Simpson The George Marcus Papers (Seed varieties imported into Rupert’s Land by the Hudson’s Bay Company, the Experimental Farm and a chart by Edward Hopkins of unoccupied land around Fort Garry), Cheryl Oakden Red and Assiniboine Junction Site Development (reforestation and McPhilip’s map), Peter Jordan Landscape Models (the Experimental Farm, the landscape development at The Forks, Bonnycastle Park, Main and Water Streets), and Heather Anderson Urban Green Space (land use, culture and historic elements).
Buggey, Susan (compiler). 1985. The Representation and Interpretation of Man's Use of Plants and the Junction of the Assiniboine and Red Rivers. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Prepared for: Douglas Olson.
[ [Feasibility study] [(PC)] ]