Fluvial sedimentology and paleoecology of Holocene alluvial deposits, Red River, Manitoba, Géographie physique et Quaternaire

Nielsen, Erik, W. Brian McKillop and Glen G. Conley

Various data show that the Red and Assiniboine rivers cut the valleys they occupy today within a thousand years of the regression of Lake Agassiz. A decrease in sedimentation rate at 1400 BP is coincident with the shift in the position of the Assiniboine from the valley of the La Salle River to its present position.

Nielsen, Erik, W. Brian McKillop and Glen G. Conley. 1993. Fluvial sedimentology and paleoecology of Holocene alluvial deposits, Red River, Manitoba. Géographie physique et Quaternaire. 47(2): 193-210.
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