How to #EmbraceWinter Sans-Skates

Posted on Feb 10, 2016 by The Forks Market

Your knees buckle, blades slide back and forth without actually propelling you forward, and you can't stay upright to save your life. Here's looking at you, folks who aren't fans of skating. We feel your pain (falling on the ice hurts can sometimes cause a bruised bottom). So when you're at The Forks in the winter and you aren't feeling like putting on those blades of glory- it's no biggie! Here are five things to do at The Forks if you're not inclined to the favourite Canadian pastime.

1. Tobogganing

Our hill is BYOT — bring your own toboggan. Come be a kid again, or bring the kiddos, and zip down on a Crazy Carpet, disc, or a good ol' fashioned wooden toboggan that fits all your friends. Extra points if you go for big air.

2. Stargazing

Did you know that the Oodena Celebration Circle at The Forks is a naked eye observatory? Cool right?! Bundle up, bring a blanket and some binoculars, and take it all in. While you're there, check out the featured constellations carved into the armatures.

3. Hiking

The Red River Mutual Trail (RRMTrail) isn't just for skating, there's also a packed snow path on the sides of the trail for folks to walk on. If you're not feeling like struggling on a pair of skates, go for a brisk walk on the beloved RRMTrail, while skaters fly by on the ice.

4. Biking

White Pine Bicycle Co. in the Johnston Terminal rents fat tire bikes that can tackle snow no problem-o. Plenty of people in Canada can probably say they know how to skate, but how many people can say they've gone for a brisk bike ride in the dead of February?

5. Picture This

While this isn't as physical as skating, you'll be working out your arms by snapping some pictures. Whether you are taking cute couple photos under the canopy of lights on The Forks Historic Rail Bridge, posing in front of one of the Warming Huts, or capturing the memory of your outdoor outing, The Forks is the best location to take fun photos. Use the hashtag #MeetMeAtTheForks to let us know you've stopped by, we love seeing what you're up to!

After spending the day outside sans-skating, you'll absolutely want to warm up. Don't forget to come inside to The Forks Market for a hot beverage and a treat.

Skates or no skates, there's no reason you can't #EmbraceWinter at The Forks.


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