Food Truck Alley

Posted on May 05, 2015 by The Forks Market

It's only been a few days, but we've been loving the addition of food trucks to The Forks site.

Since May 1, on Israel Asper Way between Canadian Museum for Human Rights and The Forks Market, there have been food trucks setup from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Each truck brings something fresh to The Forks and offers more innovative, local flavours to what is already on site.

Currently there is a list of 10 trucks and one ice-pop cart that will rotate through the four designated food truck parking stalls. There isn't any online listing of who will be on site, so be sure to check out their social media pages to see if they're here at The Forks!

Look for the following food trucks at The Forks this summer:


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